Sunday, January 26, 2014

Reflection-Ivan (31)

What have i learned over the past few CID lessons? Well, i remembered on the first lesson we were talking about where we will be going during May and they are either Taiwan or different parts of China. We were told that only 2 classes are able to go to Taiwan and my class really hopes to be able to. Mr Wong told us that whether we can go to Taiwan will depend on our blog so we are all trying our best to improve our blog by including more content and some decorations of our blog. After that, we learnt about the vulture and the child. Although it was the first time i saw the picture, now i have learnt more about it. Mr Wong asked us to research about it and to find one word to describe it and our group chose the word 'desperation'. To see more about it please refer to our previous post. The next lesson was about a man and a woman carrying the baby and we were to decide whether who are we going to donate to i decided to donate to the man. After learning the truth of those pictures by my teacher, i decided firmly to donate to the man. The woman might also be poor but i do not really support the fact that the money i donate not only goes to her but yet through a complicated process. Among all these lessons, i think that the second lesson was a lesson that i have personally learnt so far. I was able to research and know more about how the picture was taken and who the photographer was. Kevin Carter, who was the photographer, was waiting for the vulture to approach the poor and weak child before taking the shot. Even though after that he chased away the vulture but i still think it is still quite cruel to stand there and take the picture when the child could have died. Unfortunately after that, i learnt that he committed suicide. I have learnt a lot during the past 3 lessons and hope to learn more!
- Ivan

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