Monday, January 27, 2014

Reflections on lessons- Carissa Lim (01)

From the past three lessons, one lesson that I have learnt is that a picture paints a thousand words is indeed true. From a picture, you can learn many things. The picture can be acted out, or truly what it happening. From the vulture pic, i can learn many things. Such as what truly happens behind the picture. It's is said that the photographer committed suicide months after he took this picture as he was very guilty for not having helped the poor girl but rather wait for the correct timing and took the photo when the vulture appeared in the frame. Although he chased the vulture away after he took the photo, it was still rather inconsiderate of the photographer to have done that. I have also learnt that what the picture shown might not be real like that photo of the woman with the baby. Although she seems to be very pitiful with the baby like she has no money for the baby powder and such but in fact, she is just part of a syndicate which tricks people into giving them money by acting very pitiful and sad but actually most of the money goes to the syndicate which gets most of the money and the woman only gets a small part of the money and the picture showing the women and the baby is just an act for the man to give them money. Whereas the man sitting down begging for money is truly poor and has lost his home and all his assets. I also learnt that we should not trust people so easily as they might just be acting to gain your sympathy, hence we should find out more about what we have observed before we make any decisions. This should be the same when we go to either China or Taiwan as we should pay more attention to what we are doing or seeing as what we see might not be the actual truth hence we should do more research before hand in order to know more and learn more from it. 

-Carissa Lim (01)

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