Monday, January 27, 2014

Reflection - Mei Ling 12

From the past three lessons, I have learnt that observation skills is indeed very important. We should pay attention to our surroundings and not just go around blindly and not learning anything. For example for the exercise where we were supposed to find a person in our class which fits the description, it was very hard for me to find someone who fits the description as I did not really observe well enough to notice what are my friends habits, hobbies for example. I then realize that we had to pay attention more, in order to find out more and learn more to know what is going on. We must also have a reason for why we say so as we cannot just assume that he or she really does it that way or has a habit of doing that for example. We can use our five senses to pay attentions on by seeing, smelling, hearing, tasting and sensing. For example, we can walk around somewhere and we can look around to see what others are doing and we can also listen to all the different kinds of noise and the environment it is like. This is what I have learnt from the lessons.

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